We are looking for employees for the fishing industry in Northern Jutland

For several of our clients, we are seeking energetic employees who are ready to work in the fishing industry in the North Jutland Region.

Northern Jutland
Tværgående arbejde / industriel produktion

Tværgående arbejde / industriel produktion

We are looking for employees for the fishing industry in Northern Jutland

For several of our clients, we are seeking energetic employees who are ready to work in the fishing industry in the North Jutland Region.

At JKS, we offer a wide range of jobs within the fishing industry. Whether you have experience in the field or are ready to try something new, we provide a variety of opportunities that match your skills and preferences. Based on this, we will help you find the perfect job match for you.

Types of tasks
The tasks in the fishing industry are diverse and offer many exciting challenges. You will, among other things, be working with:

  • Packing, sorting, and handling fish
  • Labelling and tagging products
  • General tasks such as cleaning and maintenance of production areas
  • Quality control of fish and production equipment

Work rhythm
The fishing industry is characterized by seasonal work and varying work hours. Depending on the job, working hours and project duration can vary.
We offer:

  • Day, evening, and night shifts
  • Full-time and part-time positions
  • Short-term and long-term projects

Our job opportunities are located in several towns in Northen Jutland such as:

  • Hanstholm
  • Hjørring
  • Hirtshals
  • Sæby

Conditions and terms

  • Salary based on qualifications
  • Good working conditions
  • Flexible working hours

Professional skills
Experience is always an advantage, but we also welcome candidates who are new in the field. Ideally, you have:

  • Experience in production or the fishing industry – but it's not a must
  • An independent and responsible work ethic – you take an active part in the work
  • Knowledge of hygiene and safety procedures would be an advantage

Personal qualities
We are looking for people who:

  • Are robust and ready to work hard
  • Are flexible and adaptable
  • Are reliable and arrive on time
  • Are positive and co-operative

The right match
At JKS, we make a great effort to find a job that fits your skills and preferences. We believe that the right match creates the best job satisfaction.

Benefits of working as a temp with JKS:

  • You get more flexibility in your work life, as you have the freedom to choose where, when, and how much you want to work
  • You gain experience at various workplaces, broadening your skills
  • It can often be a fast track to a permanent job, as many companies choose their new employees from among their temps
  • A good way to earn extra money. For example, for young people during gap years, holiday periods, etc., or for retirees who want to stay connected to the workforce but don't want to work full time
  • At JKS, you are always covered by the applicable collective agreement, ensuring proper working conditions and the right salary, paid on time.
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Northern Jutland
Tværgående arbejde / industriel produktion
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Anna Nowak

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Udløber: 01.04.25

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